Get to know us
The Harrisburg Hershey Hash House Harriers (fondly known as H5 or Harrisburg Hershey H3) was formed in March 1997.
Picture this - a diverse group of individuals brimming with quirkiness and laughter as we venture through the woods. Join the H5 family, where the trails are our playground and every step is an adventure just waiting to unfold.
Don’t be a stranger, come discover the magic hashing while exploring beautiful PA landscape you would have likely missed otherwise. Unleash your inner half-mind and embrace the joy of the journey!
What is Hashing?
One harrier (the hare) lays a trail of flour over a chosen course. The other harriers (the hounds) try to follow that trail, along which they may encounter refreshment surprises. The typical hash is 3-5 miles over hill and dale, through suburbs, woods, malls, et al.
Hashing isn’t a race, there are no prizes to the swift. Following the trail is the challenge, camaraderie and beverages are the rewards. We are, quite frankly, “A drinking club with a running problem.” (But you don’t have the drink, and you don’t have to run, so really we’re just a problem!)