
Contact the GM

It’s not always easy to let someone know about something while you are at a hash. If you need to bring something to the GM’s attention you can do so with this form.

[ninja_form id=2]

Go ahead, click it. You’re not committing to anything that will require you to give up your first born, or your beer, for that matter. You’re just joining an e-mail distribution list so you can get mindless e-mails from hashers who have nothing better to do but spew their thoughts about the last hash, the upcoming hash, another drinking opportunity, bimbos or other HASH related issues.

To join our email discussion list:
Send an email to from the email account you would like to join the group from.

Please note, if you have multiple email addresses, you will need to be sure you are sending mail to the group FROM the email address you joined up with. If you send a message from an account that is not a member of the list, it will be rejected.

To contact the WebGeek: Contact SqueezeMe

Running should always be this fun