Sellinsgrove H3 New Years Day (in case you missed the email)

Date: 1/1/2011 (New Year’s Day)
Time: 2:00 pm (or 1400 hrs No Dimples), for Chalk Talk
Location: Play ground behind Citgo Station, Liverpool, PA
Hares: Bush Rat and Wet Dreams
Contact : Wet Dreams 570.809.0537 or reply to this email if you plan on attending, so we know how much beer to bring
Hash Cash : $7.00
Dog Friendly : On-In probably not
Bring a dry bag

Bush Rat thought splitting the difference between Selinsgrove and Harrisburg would be a surefire way to yield the most Hashers. If anyone is not fit to drive home, they are welcome to crash at my place (we will provide transportation to our house and back to your car the next day).

Have a great New Years celebration Wankers and Bimbos.