Some more thoughts to ponder,
submitted by Holy F*ck (S.H.I.T./Dayton):
Just Do It! A Hasher’s Moral Obligation…
I know it’s an ironic topic for someone named Holy F*ck. Do hashers have any moral obligation to contribute to the hash or is okay to just show up, pay a few $$$, run/walk a cool trail, drink beer, and hang with some cool like-minded folks? I say, “You bet your @ss you do!!!”
I know not all half-minds feel that they have the confidence, ability, or time to lay a trail. I say “You bet your@ss you do!!!”
Some options to consider:
- Find a mentor. This should help with confidence issues. Most kennels have hare raisers; they can usually make some good recommendations.
- Co-hare. This way you don’t have to be a bad @ss runner.
- Pre-lay. Be careful, some kennels will kill you for this. Check with your hare raiser or…keep it a secret.
- Relax…haring a trail is probably the simplest problem you have solved since high school and besides, it’s okay to screw up.
There is much more work required to throw a successful hash then laying a good trail. I have seen a lot of “I don’t have to do anything (except be entertained) because I paid my money”. Again, “You bet your @ss you do!”
Some things you can do to contribute:
- Be a designated driver…this might be the greatest thing you could do :o)
- Offer your car as the bag vehicle. This may require you to stay with your car instead of running the trail.
- Volunteer for the brew crew. This may require you to abstain from drinking.
- Help pick up trash at the start and end circle. This may require you to take a bag of trash home with you.
- Scout cool bars for on-afters or on-on-ons. This may cost a bit but if you’re going to be out getting drunk you might as well call it research.
- Participate in mis-management. This may cause you to loose your half-mind.
In closing, I would like to say that not everyone has to contribute to every trail they run or every kennel that they hash with but hashing is a give and take social club.
Please be a giver.
On-On! *Holy F*ck (S.H.I.T./Dayton*)