All posts by SqueezeMe
New To Hashing? Come Join Us!
Hash House Harriers (or HHH, H3 or also called Hashing)
Is simply an international group of non-competitive running social clubs. An event organized by a club is known as a hash or hash run, with participants calling themselves hashers or hares and hounds.
It is not a drug reference.
It is not a bizarre sex cult.
It is not a secret society.
It is a place for people that enjoy a good time, get a little exercise while having a laugh and feeling free to be a little juvenile without being judged.
Preparing for your first hash
After you’ve decided this is for you, you may be wondering how to get started. That’s the easy part. Check out the calendar, find an even that works with your schedule and show up. We won’t even ask you to pay the first time.
Fitness: You don’t need to be a runner or even fast. Most of us aren’t! We are an eclectic group with a wide variety of abilities. We have hashers that are thin, overweight, college age, middle-aged parents who struggle to get the gym semi-regularly and retirees. Some like to run “events with medals”, but hashers firmly believe, race is a four letter word and “race”-ism is wrong.
Attire: Nothing nice! Certainly don’t wear any clothes you got from a 5K or half-marathon. Something you won’t mind when it gets dirty, or pulled on jaggers (we call it shiggy). Because that WILL happen. But it’s all part of the fun. Avoid new shoes. Looking like you are ready for a fashion show puts too much focus that you are a serious athlete and you may get a good-natured ribbing about it.
Whistle: Bring a whistle! All hashers should, but they rarely listen to what they are told. Some people’s kids… They are used to signal to other hashers you have found the right way to go or, if you get lost, you signal for help. But like most outdoor activities, we suggest “the buddy system” and stick with your buddy. That way if we have to send a search party we get a two for one deal. 😉
Flashlight: Usually the hares will be generous enough to suggest if you will need a flashlight to make it back safely. But if you think you my need one, it’s a good idea to carry something to light the way. Good news is, these days, LED flashlights are very light and easy to carry. If you are going to come out to many dark trails, invest in a nice headlamp, you’ll appreciate being hands-free and are awesome if you decide on a camp out.
After: A dry bag is always a good idea with a change of clothes including socks. Fording a stream is not uncommon and there is always some sort of social gathering afterward. May as well be comfortable.
Hash Ambassadors: It can be daunting showing up somewhere without knowing anyone. Drag a friend along if you like. We always love sharing our “sport” with new people and the more the merrier.
If you check out the mismangement page, you will find a list of people who are dedicated to helping h5 keep rolling and would be happy to help guide you how to get started.
Trail Marks
Dot: Flour dot. This is a mark that may indicate you are headed in the right direction.
Check: These can be in flour or chalk. At this mark, the trail can go in any direction. It’s up to the pack to find the proper direction.
False: This mark is laid by the hare. It means that you are going the wrong way. Go back to the check and try a different direction.
Beer Near & Shot Near: Beverage stop… take a break and join up with the pack.
Check Back: Count back the number of dots listed and that dot is now a check.
True Trail: This mark is only laid by the hare. It means the correct way to go is this direction. The pack can lay an arrow to indicate someone went in a direction but the three slash tail arrow is reserved for the hare.
Boob Check: Men must stop at this symbol. Only women can go look for true trail and the men can follow after. If the ladies want help finding trail… they have the option to ask for help. You’ll see when you get there.
Naughty Check: An intersection check where the first person must stop and assume the “spanking” position. The next person give them a swat on the butt and takes there spot while the first person goes and looks for trail. It’s a fun way to bring the pack back together.
There could be other marks too, but the hare will (should) explain them before they head off for trail.
Just come… and have fun with us!
Harrisburg-Hershey’s 19th Anal-versary and first AGM
68 awesome H5ers and visitors joined in celebration of Harrisburg-Hershey’s 19th Anal-versary. We enjoyed great beer and food, got our formal photos taken by Squeeze Me, gave out some awards, enjoyed awesome cocktails mixed up by our very own Just Astin, and of course the ever popular music from Bubba with Tour De Puke and a special guest appearance by “Tom Arnold” on the drums. The highlight of the evening, though, had to be a great comedic look at the “year in rear-view” and roast of our newest sexygenarian (Bushrat) by Brown Noser. There was dancing and merriment and those of us who closed down the bar had a great round of Glorious, Victorious. Yet somehow people have rallied and made it to BDS today! So much talent and energy in this Hash. H5 truly does rock!
We had technical difficulties and could not project photos that our Hash Flash Pork Your Parents put together, so check them out in the facebook album H5 2015-2016 Year in pictures.
Most Hares (Control Freak): Bushrat
Most Hashes (Get a Life): Tour
Milestone Awards: 250 run Mug-Purple Cooter, 500 run Jacket –Tour De Puke
Biggest Hash Crash: Chief of Queef
Biggest Shit Show Moment: Orangubang
H5 AmbassaWhore: Spitz.cum
Best Trail (S.H.I.T.T.Y.est trail): Bushrat for Trail # 638. Mystery Trail to Centralia
Furthest Travelled: Visitors Cheap Thrills and Little Big Man from Ottowa
Most Shiggerific Trail: TMI#193: Big Ten Inch
Trail Fail of the Year: Scissor Me Timbers for allowing autoharing on Trail 664: New ‘s trail
Most Returning Virgins (Cherry Poppin Daddy): Wild Cherry
Most entertaining new virgin (Rookie of the Year): Gilligan, and the Skipper too..
Lifetime “Horse’s Ass” Mis-chievement: (for shenanigans and “misdeeds”): DeathWish
Lifetime “Golden Whistle” Achievement: (bringing goodness to the hash): Founder Trashed
Your H5 Mismanagement:
Asst GM-Chief of Queef
Hash Cash: She Came
Hare Raiser: Wild Cherry
Web Meister: Squeeze Me
Songmeister: Tour De Puke
RA: UpperCunt
ASST RAs: Fart ConnOr and Sharin’ Peters
Haberdasher: Anal Nicole
Awards Mistress: Fire in My Hole
Stinko Chief: Chappy
Hash Flash: Pork Your Parents
Thanks to all for attending and especially the people who helped make it all happen: Tour De Puke, LockJaw, Chappy, Dancing Fool, Sharin’ Peters, Fire in My Hole, Pork Your Parents, Ernest Hemingay, The members of Bubba, Just Astin, Sister Maria, Squeeze Me, phWedgie, Brown Noser, She Came, and Chief of Queef
On On to another Great Year.
Free 2 “did anyone get a look at the truck that ran over me last night” Lay
H5 Logo Files
This is a list of h5 logos in a variety of file formats.
Solid Black Logo Vector – EPS Raster – JPG |
Outline with White Center Vector – EPS Raster – JPG |
Solid Black with Text Vector – EPS Raster – JPG |
Looking for H5 merchandise?
Check out the H5 store on (membership is not required for the store).
What is Hashing – A Video Tutorial
I always struggle with trying to explain hashing to non-hashers. I’ve often thought I should make a short documentary about what hashing is. The only thing is.. I won’t make one until I feel like I can do it better justice then this one that’s already created.
Barefoot Running
It seems like Barefoot “hashing” (avoiding the dreaded use of the “r” word) is sweeping the H5 discussion list. Many hashers are getting their Vibram Five Fingers and jumping on the bandwagon.
At the risk of sounding a little type-A, I wanted to post a few links for future reference for people that are looking to move to using this cool new trend in footwear. The reason being, that if you don’t really understand the reasons and methods for this trend… you do risk injuring yourself.
So here are some links to help you understand the reasons behind the trend.
Barefoot Running Essentials [Outside Magazine article]
Born to Run [book by Christopher McDougall]
Born to Run TEDtalk Video [by Christopher McDougall]
H5 Happi Coats [orders due soon!]
H5 Happi Coats have been a popular item and it’s time to order a second batch of them. Don’t get stuck another 2 years without one. Happi Coats are a hashing tradition and it’s a great place to showcase all your patches you are bound to collect.
Show your “home hash” colors with pride
(ok, it doesn’t have to be your home hash. But it’s surely your favorite hash house 😉
Email ID To Get Yours Ordered Today!
Orders are being sent in very soon. Don’t delay
Sellinsgrove H3 New Years Day (in case you missed the email)
Date: 1/1/2011 (New Year’s Day)
Time: 2:00 pm (or 1400 hrs No Dimples), for Chalk Talk
Location: Play ground behind Citgo Station, Liverpool, PA
Hares: Bush Rat and Wet Dreams
Contact : Wet Dreams 570.809.0537 or reply to this email if you plan on attending, so we know how much beer to bring
Hash Cash : $7.00
Dog Friendly : On-In probably not
Bring a dry bag
Bush Rat thought splitting the difference between Selinsgrove and Harrisburg would be a surefire way to yield the most Hashers. If anyone is not fit to drive home, they are welcome to crash at my place (we will provide transportation to our house and back to your car the next day).
Have a great New Years celebration Wankers and Bimbos.
H5 Events Calendar on your Smartphone
First off… I have heard a number of frustrations about the way that events are listed on Believe me.. I hear you and I understand. I’ve had some issues with the plugin I had on the website that is limited in what we need it to do. I’ve tweaked and messed with it. So, I said eff it. There has to be an easier way.
So, I’m now embedding a Google Calendar on the page. So people should be more easily see what’s going on. They can go forward and backward. Events won’t disappear after the event begins.
I have the change posted now. Please take a moment and let me know if you see something odd.
What is even cooler with this calendar… if you are an iPhone user (not sure if other smart phones support this but I’m sure you can easily google it or check with your manufacturer)… You can add this calendar to your iphone calendar and you’ll always be up to date.
This also works with applications that support ICAL file format.
Here is the subscribed address for your device:
As far as how do you set this up on the iPhone… here are the directions I blatantly stole off some guys blog…
How to Subscribe to an iCalendar Server/.ICS feed [iPhone]
iCalendar is an older calendar subscription format, and many servers offer .ICS feeds of calendar entries. I particularly love TripIt‘s free travel itinerary service, which is available as an ICS feed. iPhone OS 3.0 also includes iCal as a supported protocol for over-the-air subscription, so you can view your ICS feeds right in your phone calendar. Note that iCalendar is read-only, like an RSS feed, so you cannot create or edit items on the phone.
1. copy this URL
2. ummm…
3. Go back to the home screen and select “Settings”
4. Select “Mail, Contacts, Calendars”
5. Select”Add Account…” under “Accounts”
6. Select “Other” at the bottom
7. Select “Add Subscribed Calendar”
8. Select the “Server” box and tap “Paste”
9. Select “Next”
10. Optionally modify the description